Fantastic Parenting
Being a parent is the most important role we ever experience. It can also be the most difficult.
Parenting can be a wonderful, thrilling, boring, lonely, fascinating, growing and exhausting undertaking. It takes courage, self-control and expert emotional regulation to make it work.
Becoming a parent can be a frustrating experience. All parents experience feelings of inadequacy and not have all the answers when raising their children. Fantastic parenting is a learnt process and like creative artists, they are persistently improving their skills while learning from their mistakes, to create their masterpieces.
Understanding our children's needs and development leads to a healthy family environment where both parents and children can thrive.
Families are all different. The needs of one family may not be the same in another. They comprise - couples, solo parents, grandparents raising children, parents in same sex partnerships, children in shared parenting situations, children living with foster parents etc. All represent important, relevant, diverse and unique families of today. We can help you find the best approach to meet your families' needs.
In order to understand ourselves as parents and our children as people, it is important to continue learning new skills and methods of communicating with each other.
Our Fantastic Parenting counselling and educating methods aim to help you create a safe, healthy and nurturing environment within each family. Our approach helps and supports you to attain satisfying, effective parenting methods which will enhance your personal connections with each child.
Fantastic Parenting can be run with individuals, couples or as a group.
Full Life Therapy maintains equity, justice and non-discrimination for all family members.